Dreamlike Neighbourhood – Older people connect meaningfully in their communities


Due to demographic changes and a widely supported policy of ageing in place, the number of older people who live alone is rising. Thus, more supportive residential neighbourhoods are needed to enable older people to age in place successfully. Besides age-friendly physical environments, possibilities to connect with other (older) adults in the neighbourhood are crucial for the well-being of older people. In fact, people with strong social connections are happier, have better mental health, improved physical health and live longer.

The project will establish and test neighbourhood training groups. 8 to 12 neighbourhood training groups will be established, involving up to 180 older people in Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Belgium and the Netherlands.


The main idea is to facilitate and support neighbourhood groups of older and very old people to meet regularly and support each other by bringing in their talents, ways to actively contribute to their communities.

The project addresses citizens initiatives or older people’s organisations interested in an innovative approach. People interested are also invited to contribute as co-group coordinators.


  • Fact Sheet
  • Concept & Curriculum
  • Handbook
  • Online resource Kit

Duration: 1.12.2020 – 30.11.2022

Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

Fact Sheet >>

Multimedija / Objave

Leaflet >>

Dreamlike Neighbourhood – inspiring co-operation of the project partners (EPALE) >>

Newsletter 1 >>

Newsletter 2 >>

Newsletter 3 >>

Leaflet >>

Final presentation conference in Brussels

Factsheets  >>

Stories of dreamlike neigbourhoods. Handbook >>

Tools and activities for Dreamlike Neighbourhoods >>


The European Commission’s support for the production of the publicatione does not constitute an endorsement of their contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained there in.


queraum. cultural and social research, Vienna, Austria

Letokruh, z.ú., Prague, Czech Republic

Slovenian Third Age University, Ljubljana, Slovenia

AFEdemy, Academy on Age-Friendly Environments in Europe B. V., Gouda, Netherlands

AGE Platform Europe, Brussels, Belgium

Podatki za stik

Urška Majaron

00386 70 790 329 ; 00 386 (1) 433 20 90
Spletna stran

Contract number: Erasmus+ KA 2,  2020-1-AT01-KA204-077953