SLIDE – Storytelling Learning In Digital Europe
It is an Erasmus+ strategic partnership project aiming at the exchange of good practices between five partners’ organisations from Poland, Italy, Spain, Estonia and Slovenia.
The primary project goal is to develop and reinforce networks, increase the capacity to operate at the transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods. The project has been designed for adult education and for building innovative methods in a short training course.
To develop digital competencies in relation to the narration of stories,
To be able to use digital tools with confidence,
To support the development of basic digital skills regarding retrieving, assessing, storing, producing, exchanging information,
To communicate and participate in collaborative networks via the Internet,
The SLIDE partnership focuses on gaining basic ICT competencies through digital storytelling (ancient stories, local stories or myths).
The project is meant to apply the digital storytelling (DST) method in both formal and informal adult education across Europe using the narrative learning method combined with the use of digital tools.
Target groups: low skilled adults, parents, older people, adult educators and staff
Duration: 1.11.2017 – 31.8.2019.
Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati
There will be 4 international project meetings in Poland, Spain, Estonia and Italy with sharing of the best practice in adult education and 1 short-term training in Slovenia about how to teach low-skilled adults, the 60+, adult from disadvantaged groups combining both narrative learning and digital story telling method. Therefore, final workshops will be organized in the partner countries applying and testing the SLIDE methodology produced by partnership. Results: Data sources including field study notes, interviews, digital stories created by low-skilled adults, a virtual notebook collecting digital stories created by learners during local activities, a video on the SLIDE training course, a virtual exhibition of local stories.
Digital stories (Slovenia):
Multimedija / Objave
The emerging story of the project slide, storytelling and learning in digital Europe (EPALE) >>
A Manifesto For Adult Educators’ Digital Competencies Inspired By The SLIDE Project (EPALE) >>
Fundacja Integraciji Spolecznej FIS, Poland
LUETEC, Libera Università Europea della Terza Età, Italia
Podatki za stik
Dr. Dušana Findeisen
00386 41 355 313; 00386 1 433 20
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