LearnersMot – How to trigger primary motivation for learning in low educated adults, using ICT tools?

While most adult educators are rather versatile dealing with students with higher levels of education attainment, they may not know what to expect and how to proceed when they have low literates as students. Adult educators and various practioners may not be familiar with the phenomenon of low literacy and characteristics of low literate and low educated students (functional illiteracy). They may lack knowledge and skills about motivation and motivating strategies etc., they may not know how low educated learners learn. They may not know about how to collect and interpret students’ life histories due to which the students have ended up as functionally illiterate. They might not know how to gain their students confidence. If low educated students become more confident, they forget about their aversion towards changes and can stay in education and keep their job.

For this reason the ultimate goal of this EU project co-funded by ERAMUS+.is to elaborate readily available learning and teaching strategies: knowledge, approaches, face-to -face and on-line methods and formats (webinars), techniques helping adult educators to train low educated 45+ workers, trigger and maintain their primary motivation for learning. Slovenian U3A will study prepare a research instrument for studying the state of literacy in older workers.

Duration: 1.11.2017 – 31.12.2019 

Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

LearnersMot Leaflet >>

Compiled European Report on the state of art of low educated and low skilled adults’ education in selected European countries >>

Resource Library >>

Good practices >>

Handbook >>

Blended Course >>

Motivating Lucy – How to lead an introductory interview with a low literate person >>

LearnersMot Webinars

1st Webinar >>

Topic 1 by Slovenian Third Age University: Definitions and concepts of functional literacy and functional illiteracy

Topic 2 by Edensol: Ideas on how to approach illiterate learners

2nd Webinar >>

Topic 1 by Eurocrea Merchant: Storytelling & Animation techniques

Topic 2 by Ljudska univerza Žalec: Organising the learning environment

3rd Webinar >>

Topic 1 by Eurosuccess Consulting: Discovering learners’ learning styles

Topic 2 by Edensol: Group work and coping with different personalities

Slovenian Third Age University hosted a literacy training. Have a look at the programme >>

Multimedija / Objave

LearnersMot project indirectly targets 45+ low educated workers >>

LearnersMot: Adult students feel guilty for being low educated >>

Education of adult educators – how do we cope with low literacy in Slovenia >>

Deep In. What Adult Educators Need To Know About Educating Low Educated And Low Skilled Workers – A Handbook Produced By LearnersMot Project Partners >>

Two EU projects developed by partners and Slovenian Third Age University have recently been called good practice, January 2019 >>

LearnersMot E-Newsletters

E-Newsletter No. 1 >>

E-Newsletter No. 2 >>

E-Newsletter No. 3 >>

E-Newsletter No. 4 >>

Contract number: Erasmus+ KA 2,  2017-1-ES01-KA204-038414