EMIL is a collaborative learning network aiming at providing a general overview of the role and status of intergenerational learning. We undertake this through collecting, exchanging and distributing ideas and resources and by supporting regional, European and global networking strategies. EMIL brings together a range of partnerships promoting and supporting intergenerational learning in all its varied forms.
EMIL provides a range of intergenerational resources to support individuals and organisations with the development and promotion of their work. Our resources include a range of publications including evaluation reports and guides; newsletters offering the latest information on intergenerational work, new resources and funding; case studies providing examples of good practice; national profiles highlighting key trends and initiatives in EMIL member countries and recommended links to other organisations connected to the intergenerational field across Europe and beyond.
Activities / Methods / Results
Do We Understand The Role And Mission Of Intergenerational Projects?
Paper begins by theorising the concept of project dwelling upon the difference between a project and a permanent activity resulting from it. Examines the assumptions on which the project methodology is based and emphasises the role of a project in fluid, flexible, insecure post modern society. More