30. 12. 2006
Projekt Forward Trainer je predvsem projekt, ki budi zavedanje o tem, da obstojajo težave z branjem in pisanjem in da se je moč z njimi spoprijeti. Projekt je nadgradil FORWARD, predhodni projekt partnerskih organizacij in koordinirajoče ustanove VOX. Kaj V času projekta FORWARD se je izkazalo, da ni dovolj preučevati zgolj učne strategije dislektikov/disleksikov, marveč morajo dislektiki/disleksiki in učitelji dobiti pripomočke...
Pan European Forum for Education of Older People (2004-2006)
30. 12. 2006
Pan European Forum for Education of Older People was the first network of older adult educators in Europe. It drew upon the international experience and contacts of its coordinator and the project PEFETE 1. By that time, education of older people was rather well developed in some European countries, which was not the case of...
Forum For Reading and Writing Difficulties Among Adults (2004-2006)
20. 12. 2006
The Forward Trainer project was above all an awareness-raising project. It upgraded FORWARD, another project on reading and writing difficulties. What During the first FOWARD project it became clear that not only learning strategies dyslectics develop should be studied but people with dyslexia and teachers should be...
24. 1. 2006
Vseevropski forum za izobraževanje starejših je prva mreža izobraževalcev starejših odraslih v Evropi, zrasla iz mednarodnih izkušenj in vezi koordinatorja Jumba Klercqua in PEFETE1. Izobraževanje starejših je že razvito v nekaterih evropskih državah, drugod ga spet ne poznajo, še posebno ne v Vzhodno-evropskih državah z izjemo Poljske, Češke, Slovaške in Slovenije. V starajoči se družbi je potrebna vizija in politika...
Forum For Reading and Writing Difficulties Among Adults (2002-2004)
31. 12. 2004
Adult literacy is an important, both individual and community issue in Europe, therefore the objective of FORWARD is to create a durable European network in the area of adult literacy, with a special focus on reading and writing difficulties in adult learners. What Educators and institutions forming part of this network have...