2. 3. 2019
RATIONALE In times when Europe faces a crisis of identity, when new challenges have to be coped with, in times of massive exclusion of different social groups European consciousness and identity are once again under pressure. Therefore it is important to contribute to the constant building of European identity. Identifying common intangible heritage and learning about it may importantly consolidate European identity. Popular concerns about it...
25. 1. 2019
KORAK – KOMPETENCE ZA RAZVOJ KARIERE 2018–2022 Informiranje o projektu in svetovalne dejavnosti zaradi situacije s koronavirusom potekajo v času uradnih ur na daljavo, preko telefona ali preko spletnih aplikacij. Informiranje in svetovanje v okviru projekta poteka v času uradnih ur: ponedeljek in četrtek od 8:00 do 12.00, torek in sreda od 12:00 do 16:00 Elektronski naslov: Petra@balis.si GSM: 041...
18. 12. 2017
RATIONALE Partners in this project have already carried out a number of valuable EU projects. In each project they invented their own didactic techniques, methods and approaches. It is time now we made a resumé of the methods used and created a Method Tool Box OBJECTIVES The project’s objective is to categorise the methods used, developing the criteria for their analyzing and creating an online Method-Toolbox to be used in European...
15. 12. 2017
UTEMELJITEV Partnerji v tem projektu so v preteklosti izpeljali kar nekaj vrednih evropskih projektov. V vsakem od njih so odkrivali tudi lastne didaktične tehnike, metode in načine. Zdaj je čas, da naredijo povzetek teh. CILJI Cilj projekta je analizirati in kategorizirati uporabljene metode in ustvariti spletno “škatlo metodičnih pripomočkov” in seveda razviti kriterije za analizo metod, ki jih bo moč uporabljati v evropskih...
14. 12. 2017
RATIONALE While most adult educators are rather versatile dealing with students with higher levels of education attainment, they may not know what to expect and how to proceed when they have low literates as students. Adult educators and various practioners may not be familiar with the phenomenon of low literacy and characteristics of low literate and low educated students (functional illiteracy). They may lack knowledge and skills about...