RefugeesIn – Begunski časi

28. 9. 2016

Projekt je nadaljevanje uspešno zaključenega projekta CINAGE, evropski film za dejavno staranje. V CINAGE so partnerji s postopkom analogije tudi našli navdih za Begunski časi. Podobnost je kot na dlani. Kakor starejše, tako tudi begunce obravnavamo skozi prizmo priročnih stereotipov. Ni nam treba imeti lastnih stališč. Preprosto verjamemo in ponavljamo, kar slišimo. Na begunce se nanašajo bodisi slabšalni stereotipi, ali pa na...

Digitalna Donava

1. 6. 2016

V projektu Digitalna Donava smo skupaj z Ljudsko univerzo Zagreb (POU Zagreb) zasnovali izmenjavo treh izobraževalnih programov v Ljubljani, Zagrebu in Sofiji. V Sofiji smo bili na Državni univerzi za bibliotekarske študije in tehnologijo (SULSIT). Projekt je dal nadrobnejši vpogled v delovanje treh ustanov. Spoznavali smo kulturo treh dežel, ki jih druži pripadnost podonavski regiji. Projektu so se pridružili tudi partnerji iz Zawiv-a iz...

Digital Danube

7. 4. 2016

The Danubian countries are a geographical, historical, cultural, political and economic entity and should be approached as such. An exchange among its inhabitants has to be stimulated as to ameliorate the social development of the region in accordance with the Danube Strategy of the European Commission. What The Digital Danube is a European Erasmus+ KA1 mobility project, co-founded by European Union whose partners are Public Open University...

DANET – Danube-Networkers for Europe

4. 4. 2016

DANET is a European non-profit association of educational organisations dealing with and promoting education and scientific research in the field of learning in later life, social participation and dialogue between generations in Europe, particularly in the Danube Region. DANET will give new impetus to the European integration, particularly to experts involved in the implementation of the Danube Strategy in the area of social development:...

ECIL – European Certificate in Intergenerational Learning

4. 4. 2016

The Beth Johnson Foundation with partners from Bulgaria, Sweden, Spain and Slovenia (Slovenian Third Age University) is going to develop a distance-learning course that will enable people across Europe to develop their skills and expertise in organising intergenerational practice. At a time when so much news is about potential breakdown and conflict between people of different ages this is a wonderful opportunity to make a positive...