4 Elements in Arts

4 Elements in Arts is the follow-up to the European award-winning 4 Elements project. The project brought together seven partners from different European countries.


»We have created Europe and now we have to create better European awareness and strengthen European identity«. They are both based on similarities and differences of cultural heritage, on a common language of communication performing the same functions as the lingua franca, the language that traders and others in the Mediterranean used to learn as to connect before they learned Latin. In the 4 Elements in Arts project, we are discovering works of art from European countries representing the four elements (earth, fire, water, air), the rich European cultural heritage and its background.


The Erasmus+ KA204 project “4 Elements in Arts” aims to support educators working with vulnerable groups of adults, people with (specific) learning difficulties and talents. “4 Elements in Arts” is a project where partners explore and discover the value of the four elements – the prevailing images in European culture! Partners are doing this from the point of view of art, art socialisation, creativity. They focus on the stories contained in works of visual art such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, film, etc. In addition, the Erasmus+ KA 204 project supports English language learning at lower intermediate level.


The project is meant to strengthen the understanding of the characteristics and culture of learning audiences with special needs, or rather those whose culture is yet to be learnt; the visually impaired or blind, those with hearing impairments and the deaf, people with dyslexia, those with scotopic syndrome, older people. We learn from all these groups and they learn from us, who have all senses. This is what 4 Elements in Arts is all about.

Educators of the older people and other adult groups are the direct learning group in this project.
Other learning groups mentioned above are indirect learning groups or end-users of the project results.


  • To bring the 4 elements and their representations in art closer to adult learning audiences.
  • To address learning audiences with special needs and learn about their culture.
  • To encourage learning English in relation to the cultural contexts of different countries.
  • To deepen knowledge about art and socialisation with art.
  • To deepen knowledge of and about language.
  • To contribute to the creation of European identity and awareness.


  • Interactive collection of art works
  • A Tool Kit for educators
  • Digital book
  • Learning Resource Library


A selection and presentation of works of art containing four elements from seven countries.
The conceptual background of the project.
A textbook based on the content and delivery of the teaching units or lessons.
Guidelines. From lesson plans to effective language teaching and learning.
A digital book containing the teaching units.

Duration: 28. 2. 2022 – 27. 4. 2024


European projects also come of age: 4 Elements in Arts

Multimedija / Objave

Conceptual background of the project 4 Elements in Arts (pdf)

“Art takes away the dust of everyday life” On Art, art education, art socialisation and more (PowerPoint)

Guidelines. From lesson plans to effective language teaching and learning

Sign languages videos guidelines

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CVO EduKempen (Belgija). Ustanova kordinatorica
DomSpain Consulting (Španija),
Zini Foundation (Latvija),
Les Apprimeurs (Francija),
Istituto dei Sordi di Torino (Italija),
Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje (Slovenija)
My artist (Grčija).

Podatki za stik

Dušana Findeisen

+386 (1) 433 20 90
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Contract number: 2021-1-BE02-KA220-ADU-000035111