Forum For Reading and Writing Difficulties Among Adults (2002-2004)
Adult literacy is an important, both individual and community issue in Europe, therefore the objective of FORWARD is to create a durable European network in the area of adult literacy, with a special focus on reading and writing difficulties in adult learners.
Educators and institutions forming part of this network have been networking by exchanging their expertise in facilitating the learning processes of adults with reading and writing difficulties and teaching educators and counsellors how to diagnose and guide these adult students. The portal created by the project is still contribution towards a Europe-wide approach that will ensure better access to life long learning for adults with reading and writing difficulties.
Target group
The target group of the network activities consisted of researchers, teachers, social workers, and others who are interested in the field of adult literacy.
Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati
The exchange of information has taken place in the form of study visits, exchange of examples of good practice, exchange of research articles and a continuous discussion in meetings, conferences and in the open Discussion Forum of the portal. The portal and the network are in themselves valuable results of the project. A large final conference was organised in Romania. Forward Trainer has been a follow-up project. A portal for dyslexia was established.
What might be particular in the development of cognitive competencies in dyslexics – an experiential view
A conference paper delivered at the FORWARD meeting in Ljubljana, describing the development and nature of cognitive competencies in dyslexics and “ working memory”. More
The project was funded by European Commission.