Funmilies – Intergenerational Sport Solutions for Healthy Ageing
Contemporary society is getting ever more fragmented with numerous divisions. People are knowledgeable or not knowledgeable, healthy or sick, technologically skilled or not. The generational gap is getting wider as well.
In different ways, European Union is struggling for a cohesive society. Many are European projects supporting cohesion, dealing with various social matters and topics. In the project Funmilies, our endeavours are devoted to the intergenerational co-operation for the benefit of the community.
In a number of European countries, there are sporting activities for younger and older people, but there are generally no true intergenerational sports.
- To examine intergenerational sporting practices in project partners’ Countries;
- To define the concept of intergenerational activities;
- To identify sport preferences in younger and older people;
- To create knowledge that sports clubs and other contact zones need for creating intergenerational sporting activities;
- To render sports providers and coaches aware of intergenerational sports for individuals and communities;
- To create sensitivity for older age and older people’s issues
Duration: 1.1.2021 – 31.12.2022
Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati
- To conceive and to conduct a research survey on older and younger people’s affinities to sports;
Guidelines for the Research On Intergenerational Sporting Activities (PPT) >>
Guidelines for the field research >>
- To write national reports on the basis of the research results;
- To prepare a Compiled European Report on the basis of the national reports;
- To devise an educational programme for trainers and sports providers;
- To prepare Guidelines for establishing, organizing and functioning of contact zones and conducting intergenerational sporting activities;
- To establish an online platform for trainers and providers of sporting activities.
Capacity Building Programme for professional sports trainers, coaches: