Vseživljenjsko učenje in dejavno državljanstvo v starajoči se evropski družbi

Izhodiščna teza projekta je bila, da prostovoljstvo starejših lahko izboljša položaj starejših. Projekt LACE naj bi izboljšal dejavno sodelovanje starejših v družbi. Model, ki ga je razvil Inštitut ISAB, nemški projektni partner, je v povezavi z izkustvenim znanjem starejših in je služil kot temelj projektu LACE. Šlo je za povezavo izobraževanja starejših z novimi vlogami starejših v družbi.

Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

LACE je izvedel analizo obstoječih programov. Nastale so smernice za prakso in oblikovanje novih vlog za starejše Evropejce. Rezultat ali spodbuda projekta je bila za Slovenijo v tem, da smo razvili nove izobraževalne programe, ki neposredno vodijo v prostovoljstvo.


Netherlands Platform Older People and Europe (NPOE), Nizozemska
Odyssee Groep, Nizozemska
ISAB-Institute, Nemčija
Impact, Belgija
Age Action Ireland, Irska
Universitat de Barcelona, Španija
Slovenska univerza za tretje življenjsko obdobje, Slovenija

Podatki za stik

Dušana Findeisen, Rajka Bračun Sova

Projekt je bil deležen finančne podpore Programa Socrates.


Lifelong Learning and Active Citizenship in Europe´s Ageing Society (2005-2007)

The starting idea was that older people’s volunteering will change the position of older people in society.The project was maent to encourage civic engagement of older citizens. The model developed by ISAB, the German partner, was concerned with experiential knowledge of older people and thus served as a basis for the LACE project. Experts agreed on the growing importance of linking lifelong learning with newly established and innovative roles and functions for older people – and to do so in a creative way.

The following models were the main starting points of the LACE-Program:

  • The German model program EFI (Experiential Knowledge for Initiatives), developed by the ISAB-Institute
  • Senior Citizen´s Consultants´Training, developed by the Higher Institute for Family Sciences (HIG), Belgium
  • The „SESAM Academy“, developed by Netherlands Platform Older People and Europe (NPOE)

Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

LACE initially analysed the potentially relevant existing programs on the matter. This served to create a practical guideline for the constitution of new responsible role profiles for older European citizens. The comparison of Best-Practice-examples from Belgium, the Netherlands and Germany as to their transferability to other countries led to further pilot projects in Slovenia, Italy, Spain and Ireland.

A result of the project was for Slovenia a cluster of new educational programmes leading to volunteering work of older people.


Netherlands Platform Older People and Europe (NPOE), Netherlands
Odyssee Groep, Netherlands
ISAB-Institute, Germany
Impact, Belgium
Age Action Ireland, Ireland
Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
Slovenian Third Age University, Slovenia

Podatki za stik

Dušana Findeisen, Rajka Bračun Sova
Spletna stran

The project was finaced by the Socrates Programme.