Funmilies – oblike medgeneracijskega športa za zdravo staranje
28. 5. 2021Utemeljitev Sodobna družba je vse bolj fragmentirana, ljudje se delimo na tiste, ki vedo in tiste, ki ne vedo, na zdrave in bolne, bogate in revne, tehnološko usposobljene in tehnološko neusposobljene, velike pregrade so tudi med generacijami. Evropska unija si na različne načine prizadeva, da bi ustvarila trdno povezano družbo. Vrsta evropskih projektov svoja prizadevanja vodi v tej smeri, pri tem se loteva različnih družbenih...
Funmilies – Intergenerational Sport Solutions for Healthy Ageing
25. 5. 2021Rationale Contemporary society is getting ever more fragmented with numerous divisions. People are knowledgeable or not knowledgeable, healthy or sick, technologically skilled or not. The generational gap is getting wider as well. In different ways, European Union is struggling for a cohesive society. Many are European projects supporting cohesion, dealing with various social matters and topics. In the project Funmilies, our endeavours are...
LearnersMot2 – Creating a continuous supportive learning environment for the 45+, low educated and low skilled adults
17. 12. 2020RATIONALE Today’s employers have to trust all their employees that they can learn and support the evolution of the company in our changing world. Moreover, older employees in state of functional illiteracy, the low educated and the low skilled ones need to be involved in educational programmes as to stay on the labour market. The project is meant to empower adult educators offering them and constructing with them knowledge and skills needed...
7. 7. 2020The CODANEC project, CONNECTING DANUBE NEIGBOURS BY CULTURE is coordinated by ILEU in collaboration with Danube Networkers DANET of which Slovenian Third Age University is a founding member. CODANEC is devoted to maintaining close working relationships with most different organisations and institutions along the Danube in the field of older people’s education, participation and social inclusion in later life. CODANEC has been active to...
29. 4. 2020CODANEC je projekt, ki ga koordinira nemški partner ILEU iz Ulma. Posvečen je izobraževanju starejših iz obdonavskih držav in temu, kar je njim dragoceno, t. j. njihovim osebnim zakladom nesnovne kulturne dediščine. Popišete in opremite s sliko lahko, kar je nesnovno: tradicijo, navade, festivale, odnose, druženje, spregovorite lahko o identiteti, družini. Dosedanje teme študentov iz Slovenije so doslej bile: družinski...