Pan European Forum for Education of Older People (2004-2006)

Pan European Forum for Education of Older People was the first network of older adult educators in Europe. It drew upon the international experience and contacts of its coordinator and the project PEFETE 1. By that time, education of older people was rather well developed in some European countries, which was not the case of most Eastern European countries with the exception of Slovenia, Poland and some other countries. Ageing society needed and still needs to have a vision and policy of older adult education and older adults’ leisure time and PEFETE2 offred a solid basis to this end.

Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

Partners first met near Utrecht at Odysee, a residential folk high school where they got acquainted with the older adult education in the region. Later they worked in threes in different countries. Together with social gerontologist and other experts. Slovenian Third Age University was on a study visit to Aldere Sagen in Copengaguen and Strathclyde University in Glasgow. Its members also attended the final conference in Sofia. Thus older adult education was introduced to Bulgaria and a basis was created for a policy on older adult education to be adopted.

Two articles were published in Andragogic Perspectives, the first Slovenian research journal on adult education:

  • Who knows if in twenty years they will still want me?
    Aeldere Sagen has 500 000 members. Volunteers’ average age is seventy and more.
  • Brian McKechnie or let’s age positively
    On Strathclyde University and its Institute for Senior Studies as well as programmes and similarities with Slovenian Third Age University.

Podatki za stik

Dušana Findeisen

+386 1 433 20 90
Spletna stran


Vseevropski forum za izobraževanje starejših je prva mreža izobraževalcev starejših odraslih v Evropi, zrasla iz mednarodnih izkušenj in vezi koordinatorja Jumba Klercqua in PEFETE1. Izobraževanje starejših je že razvito v nekaterih evropskih državah, drugod ga spet ne poznajo, še posebno ne v Vzhodno-evropskih državah z izjemo Poljske, Češke, Slovaške in Slovenije. V starajoči se družbi je potrebna vizija in politika izobraževanja starejših in politika prostega časa.


Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

Partnerji so se srečali v Utrechtu na rezidenčni ljudski univerzi Odysee, kjer so se seznanili z izobraževanjem starejših v lokalni skupnosti. Kasneje so delovali v skupinah po tri ali štiri, skupaj s socialnimi gerontologi in drugimi strokovnjaki, in sicer v različnih državah. Slovensko univerzo za tretje življenjsko obdobje so povabili v Aldere Sagen v Kopenhagnu, in na Univerzo Strathclyde v Glasgowu ter na končno konferenco v Sofijo, ki je bila prvi tovrstni dogodek v Bolgariji. V projektu je nastala tudi podlaga za evropsko politiko izobraževanja starejših.

Kdo ve, če me bodo čez dvajset let še hoteli gledati in poslušati? 
V Aeldre Sagen je petsto tisoč članov. Povprečna starost prostovoljcev je sedemdeset let. Več

Brian McKechnie ali ‘starajmo se pozitivno’
O Univerzi Strathclyde in njenem Inštitutu za študije o starejših in programih ter podobnosti s Slovensko univerzo za tretje življenjsko obdobje. Več

Podatki za stik

Dušana Findeisen

01 433 20 90