True to age, true to gender


In adult education, older people are generally thought of as a group of older individuals defined mostly by their age and ageism, with hardly any regard to the gender and gender capital experiences they have accumulated throughout life. But gender can matter even more in old age than in childhood or adulthood (mostly due to sociological aspects rather than psychological and physiological aspects of later life). Inequalities persist between women and men over the whole course of their lives (educational level, occupational segregation, income, etc.) while in old age they become intensified, resulting in “cumulative disadvantage” (Cruikshank, 2003). Older learners, particularly women, need to be empowered as representatives of their gender and educational programmes should not be de-gendered. On the contrary, they should empower older women in their struggle to be seen, recognized, appreciated for their true otherness and their ability to combine with men. (Greer,2017).


This project will introduce adult educators to gender issues and encourage them to enrich their educational programmes with them as to empower older women learners in all areas of their life. Further, it will compare values of older women with basic European values. It will give room to belittled women from the past or present.


  • Conceptual background
  • European stories of belittled women
  • Handbook dealing with women’s issues
  • Blended Course
  • Interactive Map
  • Digital Books

Duration: 1.11.2020 – 31.10.2022

Dejavnosti / metode / rezultati

Handbook (Conceptual Background and Stories of Belittled Women as Annexes) >>

Multimedija / Objave

Older women and gender equality in the programmes of older adult education ( >>

All is still to be done in the field of women’s rights? (EPALE) >>

Facebook page >>

Contract number: Erasmus+ KA 2,  2020-1-RO01-KA204-079845